Eye To Eye Contact With A Perfect Living Master

Ishwar Puri: “When you meet a Perfect Living Master.. once, and have an eye to eye contact, once, with no word exchanged, you’ve broken your own chain of rebirth at that point. How many times you may come again before you get away is a matter of time.. to be determined by the sanskars, by the package of karmas.

How much love and devotion will grow in you, depends on what previous lives you have lead up to that point. But it is certain that you are a marked soul who will be going out.. It is a certainty you will be initiated..

Some have a hard time overcoming the doubts of their mind, constantly arguing to themselves and to others, constantly trying to get some reassurance, not being sure, still afraid..

Others..are just ready… Mostly when we have had a series of experiences of human birth, we are more ready to go out.

One good thing, if you’ve had contact with a Perfect Living Master once, you’ll never go back into a lower form of life. If you’ve been initiated by a Perfect Living Master, you have to go out of the system within a maximum of four lives.”

The above was taken from an audio YouTube “The Significance of Physical Birth”

Ishwar C.Puri suggests the reason for celebrating birthdays is because they represent birth into the top of creation – birth into a physical human body. He goes on to say we have forgotten who we are and that we are trapped in a physical level of consciousness.